Nanjing massacre

The Nanjing Massacre

The wound on the body maybe can chuck

The hurts in the heart would never be efface

      On December 13, 1937, the Imperial Japanese Army stormed the Chinese city of Nanking. During the following six weeks, they murdered and tortured countless civilians whose only crime was being Chinese. the Japanese were killing both woman and man equally aimlessly. children were brutally killed as if they were animals and there deaths were taken as games for the japanes army. Over 300,000 people were killed and over 20,000 women were brutally raped. This is called the "Nanjing Massacre". However, over the decades, the Japanese began to deny that this massacre ever occurred. Few Americans are aware of the Nanking atrocities, so numerous efforts are now being made to teach the world what happened in China during the massacre.

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        In December 1937, the Japanese Army began a brutal attack against the Chinese people of Nanjing which resulted in the slaying of 300,000 over six weeks time. Most shocking to the world was the Japanese claim that this was merely an incident and not a massacre. the blood shed and the tears that the chinses suffered werent enough for the japanses while there were brutally murdering them.


This picture shows how the tactics the Japanese army used to kill the citizens of Nanjing. The Japanese man is getting ready to kill the poor man. He is going to cut his head.The rest of the people had to watch the death of there loved ones and friends.The men in the military got  medals for killing all the citizens; the more they killed the more they got praised for it.